Old Cow
3 min readJun 16, 2021



“I just want to let you all know that being my age isn’t to be feared unless you believe what society tells you.

We are taught to be ‘anti aging’, to hide our grey’s and until recently to be ashamed to talk about menopause, but I refuse to allow our youth obsessed society to snatch my inner glow.

I wasn’t always like this. Sadly I bought into the concept of ‘looking young to feel young’… A myth to be dispelled! I spent my entire 40’s hiding my age… ashamed of what the number stood for. Dying my hair to look younger. Afraid that I would be put into a box labelled ‘old’… and somehow excluded. I may well have looked younger, but I certainly didn’t feel younger!

What I didn’t understand then was that youth comes from within, and once you know this, you realize that just because we hit a certain age we don’t suddenly stop evolving; having goals and dreams, and feeling sexy. We don’t stop learning and developing. We still fall in love. We still start new careers and businesses. We still bloom! But here is the best part…We actually become more in tune with who we are, and less concerned with what others think of us…We are more grateful for life, and thankful for every milestone. We walk with a sense of achievement for our accomplishments. We have survived and thrived! And with all of that comes increased self worth.

I have never taken care of myself like I do now. I cherish what I have. For I now know nothing lasts forever, and change is unstoppable. It’s true some of us may not be as physically capable, but trust me, this season of life is incredibly empowering in so many other ways. I like to say I’m growing older, but bolder!

And this is why I share my experience with you…in the hope that you will know to have nothing to fear sis, for there is so, SO much joy still to be had on this side of life! 🤍🤍🤍🤍”

Mia Mauge lives in London and is a model as well as a role model.

You can follow Mia on Instagram @miamauge.



Old Cow

Old is NOT a fact. It’s a State of Mind. We are redefining what it means to age in the modern world. Forget aging gracefully. Age Powerfully and lean into it.