Sexual Health and Aging: Who Tends To Encounter More Issues When Having Sex, Men or Women?

Old Cow
4 min readFeb 2, 2024

Sexual health and experiences can vary widely among individuals, and it’s important to recognize that challenges can affect both men and women as they age. Factors such as physical health, emotional well-being, relationship dynamics, and lifestyle choices all play roles in sexual function and satisfaction. Here’s a brief overview of some common issues faced by both genders:


Erectile Dysfunction (ED): This is a well-known challenge for some men as they age. It involves difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection sufficient for sexual activity. Various factors contribute to ED, including cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and psychological factors. It is important to note that even young men have an issue with erectile dysfunction. No matter your age, if this happens on a regular basis you should see a urologist.

Lower Testosterone Levels: As men age, testosterone levels may decline, affecting libido, energy levels, and overall sexual function. Your body functions best when your testosterone is in a certain range. A testosterone level that’s too low can contribute to erectile disfunction as well as a lower sex drive. Your physician can check your levels.



Old Cow

Old is NOT a fact. It’s a State of Mind. We are redefining what it means to age in the modern world. Forget aging gracefully. Age Powerfully and lean into it.